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BE Morning Aligner & Appliance Removal Tool

BE Morning Aligner & Appliance Removal Tool

BE Morning Aligner...A multi-tool for oral appliances.  

Improving your patients experience.


BE Morning Aligner is a custom, simple tool to help reset morning maloccllusion (or misaligned bite) and relax the mouth mucles after wearing a Mandibular Advancment Device (MAD) during sleep. The Morning Aligner works in just a few minutes by gently exersizing your jaw and returning your bite back into its original position.


The BE Morning Aligner also features a unique hook for discreet, hygenic and simple removal of your sleep/snore appliance, device and/or orthodontic aligner trays. The pointed end of the removal tool was designed to assist in easy removal of all oral devices and aligners keeping your fingers and nails out of your mouth.



  • Can be made in under 10 minutes with hot water.
  • Minimizes the side effects of all oral appliances.
  • Unique saftey handle doubles as a removal tool for easy removal of all oral appliances and ortho aligners.
  • Guides the bite back to Maximum Intercuspation (MI) also known as Centric Position (CP) without occlusal interference.
  • Moldable thermoplastic heat-to-fit tray gives a custom fit and can be remolded at any time by resubmerging in hot water.
  • Non molding (blue) support tray gives structural support and assists in maintaining the accuracy of the bite.


  • Instructions For Use

    1. Prepare hot water in a glass or ceramic bowl; approximate temperature should be at minumum 185 degrees.
    2. Apply petroleum jelly to fingertip or glove and rub on inside of aligner to help prevent stickiness as aligner hardens and molds around teeth. 
    3. Using safety handle, fully submerge BE Morning Aligner into hot water for 20-30 seconds or until white portion of aligner becomes clear/translucent. *Submerging in hot water too long will result in aligner material becoming too soft and difficult to mold.
    4. Remove from  hot water, shake off excess water and insert directly into mouth over upper or lower front teeth (upper reccommended) - teeth should lightly hit front of bite tray.
    5. Gently bite down until your back teeth touch and close lips around tray.
    6. Once aligner material has cooled/hardened and is no longer clear, it is ready from removal; approximately 2-3 minutes.
    7. Using safety handle, gently remove your custom BE Morning Aligner and rinse with cold water.
    8. Check accuracy of bite position by reinserting custom aligner back into mouth. Bite should feel natural and comfortable.
  • Daily Use Instructions

    1. Use BE Morning Aligner Removal Tool to assist in removing sleep appliance/device
    2. Use BE Morning Aligner as needed daily for 5-10 minutes immediately upon removal of sleep appliance to return bite back to normal position.
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